Recent News

DHS agents have reportedly injured at least 30 journalists in Portland
A disturbing federal assault on journalists is unfolding in Portland.

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The Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in a highly anticipated case, which has attracted over a dozen amicus briefs from experts around the country. Today we're highlighting some of the important speech arguments that directly affect journalists, presented in a selection of those briefs.

The full Senate is expected to vote on the controversial EARN IT Act in the coming days, after unanimous approval from the Judiciary Committee on July 2. EARN IT would open the door to criminalizing encryption protections and increase censorship online, posing a significant threat to press freedom and whistleblowers.

Through this widely used open source platform, we are enabling whistleblowers to communicate anonymously and securely with news organizations.

We are systematically documenting press freedom violations in the United States. A partnership with the Committee to Protect Journalists and leading press freedom groups.

Secure the News
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Archive the News
By archiving threatened outlets, we are preventing billionaires from deciding what news is fit to stay online.

An open source app that anyone can use to protect personal spaces and possessions using a smartphone. A partnership with the Guardian Project.

In order to make the public aware of its importance, we are highlighting news stories that are only possible thanks to the Freedom of Information Act.